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  • What is an exchange rate?
    The exchange rate is the price of one country's currency in relation to the currency of another country. This quote is influenced by several factors, such as the supply and demand of currencies, the political and economic situation of the countries involved, the monetary policies adopted by central banks, among others. The exchange rate is important for those who carry out international commercial or financial transactions, as it affects the value of products, services and investments in foreign currency.
  • How is the exchange rate defined?
    What defines the exchange rate is the law of supply and demand, which fluctuates frequently throughout the day, which is why currencies can reach varying prices throughout a single day.
  • But what influences this supply and demand?
    The main influencing factor on the law of supply and demand for the exchange rate is the country's trade balance, which weighs the volume of national exports and imports. Let's think about the following: when exports are better than imports, the country sells more, therefore receiving foreign currencies as payment. With a lot of currency available, the price drops. In the case of imports, the country pays with the currency it has, for example the dollar. With more coins leaving the country, their price becomes higher. In addition to the trade balance, the interest rate also influences supply and demand. High rates are great for those who invest, but not at all favorable for those who finance or have debts. The fact is that foreign investors see an excellent opportunity in periods like this, which increases the inflow of dollars into the country.
  • What is the standard procedure for sending and receiving payment orders in foreign currency after opening an exchange account?
    After opening the account, the customer has the security that at all times the sending and receiving of payment orders in foreign currency of which he is the payer or beneficiary, circulate through his CPF/CNPJ. When closing an exchange to send resources abroad, the exchange contractor makes a TED transfer of the same ownership from your bank to your exchange account. When there is a need to receive a payment order in foreign currency for your benefit, the exchange is closed when the bank receives the credit notice for the amount in foreign currency. The amounts are then credited in reais through your exchange account to your commercial account at a retail bank. The exchange account is opened in pure exchange banks, that is, they have a single wallet: the exchange portfolio.
  • How important is the exchange rate?
    The quote is designed to compare prices and expand the view of applications and values ​​within a specific period, that is, to provide you with an average of the assets in the current market, analyzing their valuation and the purchasing behavior of other people. Here are some specific reasons why the exchange rate is important: · International trade: The exchange rate affects the price of goods and services traded between countries. An unfavorable quote can make exports more expensive and less competitive on the international market, while a favorable quote can make them more competitive. · International investments: The exchange rate also affects the value of investments in foreign currency, such as shares and bonds, for example. A favorable quote can increase the value of these investments, while an unfavorable quote can decrease them. · Tourism: The exchange rate is also important for those traveling abroad, as it affects the value of the local currency in relation to the currency of the destination country. An unfavorable quote can make a trip more expensive, while a favorable quote can make it more affordable. · Monetary policy: The exchange rate is also important for central banks, as it can affect inflation and the country's economic growth. For example, an unfavorable quotation can increase the prices of imported products and, consequently, inflation. · Financial stability: The exchange rate is also important for the financial stability of countries, as excessive fluctuations can cause instability and affect the economy as a whole. Therefore, many countries monitor and intervene in the foreign exchange market to maintain the stability of their currency.
  • What is the difference between commercial exchange and tourism exchange?
    The commercial exchange rate is the quotation used for import and export transactions of goods and services between companies. It is defined by the foreign exchange market and can vary according to the supply and demand of currencies in the market. The tourism exchange rate is the rate used for transactions involving the purchase and sale of foreign currencies for tourism purposes, such as purchasing tickets, accommodation, food and general purchases abroad. This rate is defined by exchange offices and banks authorized by the country's Central Bank, and may be different from the commercial exchange rate, as these institutions add a profit margin to the value of the foreign currency to compensate for the operational costs and risks involved in the operation. In general, the tourism exchange rate tends to be higher than the commercial exchange rate, as exchange offices and banks need to cover their costs and make a profit by selling foreign currencies to tourists. Therefore, it is important to compare quotes from different financial institutions before carrying out a tourism exchange transaction to obtain the best possible exchange rate.
  • What is IBAN?
    The IBAN, or International Bank Account Number, is the identification code for international accounts. Translated as International Bank Account Number, it is created based on an international standard for identifying bank accounts, it is a unique code created for each account abroad. It is with it that destination accounts are identified in operations abroad, ensuring that the money reaches the correct recipient.
  • What is the IBAN Code for?
    The IBAN serves to identify bank accounts, increase the security of operations and reduce the risk of errors when processing international transfers. Therefore, this code makes sending and receiving operations of international shipments more efficient, agile and secure. As there are several banking institutions with branches around the world, this identification is very important to avoid errors in operations. Furthermore, the code facilitates control of transfers, reducing the risk of fraud. It is worth noting that, to date, the United States has not yet adopted this numbering, so other information must be provided to carry out international banking transactions in the country. In Brazil, the regulations for using IBAN were published in 2013 through Central Bank Circular No. 3,625. The document determines the standard format of the code for Brazilian bank accounts and also states that all financial institutions must provide this identification to their customers.
  • How is the IBAN Code Composed?
    The IBAN is made up of up to 34 alphanumeric characters. In other words, it has both numbers and letters of the alphabet. It includes the country code, check digits, bank code, bank branch number and account number sequence.
  • What is the difference between IBAN and SWIFT?
    IBAN is an international banking identification code, while SWIFT allows connections between financial institutions in a secure manner. Both are essential for sending money abroad, but it is important to understand the differences between them to make it easier to identify each code. As we have already talked a lot about IBAN, now we will present a little about SWIFT so that you can familiarize yourself with the concept. The SWIFT code (Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication) is responsible for connecting financial institutions around the world. It exists with the aim of ensuring the security of operations worldwide. In other words, the main function of the SWIFT code is to promote communication between financial institutions in any country and establish an identification standard for operations. On the other hand, the IBAN is the code that represents the account and bank's banking details. It is the institutions’ identity card. It is worth noting that the format of the codes is also different: while the IBAN can have up to 34 alphanumeric characters (or 29, in the case of Brazil), SWIFT has between 8 and 11 characters. In practice, SWIFT's alphanumeric characters are divided into four parts and identify the country, bank, region and branches of the institution.

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